Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rendering Performance

I like to set the props / layout of the component/application by overriding updateDisplayList();

However, I experience a drop of rendering speed in Flex application when the application is developed into a larger size. And I discover that the key issue was using "setStyle" everytime when the updateDisplayList() is executed.

Actually the setStyle just need to apply once after the application is initialized. So the problem can be solved after I added _init flag into the application and run the setStyle procedures only if the _init is true...


Unknown said...

If you look into the source of most of the components... most of the updatable variables have a _xyzChanged set on the setter and on the commitProperties method they check the _xyzChanged and if true set the style again. Might be something to check out, and might be a solution for you.

Unknown said...

P.S. ;)

妙妙 said...

Thanks campbell, i will look into it~ ^_^